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Passive Solar, Hydronic Radiant Floor Heating, Hydraulic Ram Pump Images
Passive Solar, Hydronic Radiant Floor Heating, Hydraulic Ram Pump ImagesPassive Solar, Hydronic Radiant Floor Heating, Hydraulic Ram Pump ImagesPassive Solar, Hydronic Radiant Floor Heating, Hydraulic Ram Pump Images
Passive Solar, Hydronic Radiant Floor Heating, Hydraulic Ram Pump Images
Borst Engineering & Construction LLC Logo
Copyright © 2009-2024 by Borst Engineering & Construction LLC, All Rights Reserved
Competence, Integrity and Professionalism are integral to all that we do!
*** Established 2011 ***
Engineering Analysis/Design, Consultation & Fabrication

The following table summarizes the analysis/design and consultation services that we offer.  Other requested engineering analysis/design, fabrication, and general contractor construction services are accomplished via a separate quotation and on a written time and material or fixed-price contract basis.  All of our engineering analyses/designs are sealed and signed by a licensed professional engineer.  Products fabricated by us can be shipped worldwide as required.

Hydronic Radiant Floor Heating Analysis/Design

ACCA Manual J8, ASHRAE, or CSA F280-12 load analysis method (your choice)

Circuit/zone design with CAD PEX tube layout drawing indicating                          
circuit PEX diameter, length, spacing, supply temp and flow rate,               
and required material list                                                       $940

Passive Solar Cooling & Heating Analysis/Design

ACCA Manual J8, ASHRAE, or CSA F280-12 load analysis method (your choice)

Roof overhang design, solar fenestration heat gain & thermal mass analyses       $940

Solar Pathfinder terrain obstruction field site analysis                         Please see below hourly fees

Water Work Project Hourly Consultation/Fabrication

Field Hours                                                                      $185/hour

Office Hours                                                                     $125/hour

We typically accomplish our engineering analysis, design, consultation and fabrication services September through June. We typically accomplish our general contractor construction services April through October.   Please be advised that our services often get fully booked up and we may not always be able to take on new clients.   We typically require a 30 day minimum lead time for our services.   We operate this way to ensure that we will always provide high quality services, meet our client's requirements/schedule, and balance our home and work life.   Please note that many of the consultation services that we offer may also be accomplished as do it yourself (DIY) projects by using our free DIY calculators which are located on our website Calculators tab.

Please be advised that there are many unlicensed, out-of-state online companies that use "catalog engineering" or design "rules of thumb" to sell their over-priced products.  Please see our hydronic radiant floor heating design and passive solar design calculator instructions which are located on our website Calculators tab for more detailed insight on this issue.   We advise applying due diligence and avoiding companies who follow these practices to ensure having a successful end result without needlessly emptying your bank account.  We highly recommend hiring an experienced and knowledgeable company that is fully licensed, bonded and insured to legally operate within your State to ensure maintaining your consumer protection rights.