Borst Engineering & Construction LLC
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CWRE Planimeter Calculator - Borst Engineering & Construction LLC
Point 1 Latitude (Deg, South is Negative)
Point 1 Longitude (Deg, West is Negative)
Point 2 Latitude (Deg, South is Negative)
Point 2 Longitude (Deg, West is Negative)
Point 3 Latitude (Deg, South is Negative)
Point 3 Longitude (Deg, West is Negative)
Point 4 Latitude (Leave Blank or Deg, South is Negative)
Point 4 Longitude (Leave Blank or Deg, West is Negative)
Point 5 Latitude (Leave Blank or Deg, South is Negative)
Point 5 Longitude (Leave Blank or Deg, West is Negative)
Point 6 Latitude (Leave Blank or Deg, South is Negative)
Point 6 Longitude (Leave Blank or Deg, West is Negative)
Point 7 Latitude (Leave Blank or Deg, South is Negative)
Point 7 Longitude (Leave Blank or Deg, West is Negative)
Point 8 Latitude (Leave Blank or Deg, South is Negative)
Point 8 Longitude (Leave Blank or Deg, West is Negative)
Point 9 Latitude (Leave Blank or Deg, South is Negative)
Point 9 Longitude (Leave Blank or Deg, West is Negative)
Point 10 Latitude (Leave Blank or Deg, South is Negative)
Point 10 Longitude (Leave Blank or Deg, West is Negative)
Point 11 Latitude (Leave Blank or Deg, South is Negative)
Point 11 Longitude (Leave Blank or Deg, West is Negative)
Point 12 Latitude (Leave Blank or Deg, South is Negative)
Point 12 Longitude (Leave Blank or Deg, West is Negative)
Spherical or Oblate Spheroid Earth (0=Spherical, 1=Oblate)
Average Grade of Terrain (Percent)
Display Google Map of Points? (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
Perimeter (Feet)
Perimeter (Statute Miles)
Area (Square Feet)
Area (Acres)
Area (Square Statute Miles)
Length of Degree of Latitude (Statute Miles)
Length of Degree of Longitude (Statute Miles)
Borst Engineering & Construction LLC

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