Borst Engineering & Construction LLC
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Undershot Water Wheel Design Calculator - Borst Engineering & Construction LLC
Stream Velocity (FPS)
Wheel Design Diameter (Feet, larger diameters yield more torque and lower RPM)
Wheel Design Width (Inches)
Blade Thickness (Inches, from Blade Stress Analysis Calculator)
Shaft Diameter (Inches, from Shaft Stress Analysis Calculator)
Expected Wheel Efficiency (%, 15-25 with flat or 65-75 with curved blades is typical)
Expected Generator Efficiency (%, 90 typical for PMG)
Maximum Theoretical Power (KW, HP=KW/0.745)
Estimated Power (KW, HP=KW/0.745)
Estimated Energy (KWH/Month)
Maximum Steady Shaft Torque (Ft-Lbs)
Effective Head (Feet)
Effective Flow Rate (GPM, CFS=GPM/448.8)
Minimum Optimal Diameter (Feet)
Maximum Optimal Diameter (Feet)
Working Diameter (Feet)
Working Circumference (Feet)
Working Cross-Sectional Area (SF)
Optimal Rim Tangential Speed (FPS)
Optimal Rotation Speed (RPM)
Number of Blades
Blade Spacing (Inches)
Blade Width (Inches)
Number of Radial Arms
Weight of Wheel (Lbs)
Maximum Blade Force (Lbs)
Maximum Shaft Force (Lbs)
Maximum Blade Bending Moment (In-Lbs)
Maximum Shaft Bending Moment (In-Lbs)
Borst Engineering & Construction LLC

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